About Me

I am a data engineer, mechanical engineer, flew planes for a bit, mountain biker and rock climber. I am passionate about programming efficiently and using Python to extract and organize data to pull out insights.

As of early 2024 I’m also a dad.

Resumes typically limit you to a few skills. Thankfully, I do not have such
limits here. I have worked at a start up building drone and attaching sensors,
built weather stations designed to work in remote locations and collected data
from around the world to drive insight. I’ve pick up a few skills along the way –
things I have worked with and feel reasonable comfortable:


  • Pandas
  • Matplotlib
  • Tqdm
  • Boto3
  • pytest
  • unittest
  • torch
  • opencv

AWS / Cloud

  • S3
  • EC2
  • IAM
  • Batch
  • SFTP
  • Lambda
  • SQS
  • CloudFormation


  • PostgreSQL
  • DynamoDB
  • AWS Athena
  • Databricks
  • MongoDB

CI/CD Methods

  • Github Actions
  • Jenkins
  • AWS CodeDeploy
  • Drone
  • Sonarqube


  • Davis Weather Stations
  • Infrared thermometers
  • Velodyne V16 LiDAR
  • Drone mounted thermal cameras
  • Drone mounted DSLR camera
  • Arduinos
  • Arduino nano
  • Enterprise webservers
  • Raspberry Pi webservers
  • LORA wireless communication
  • Communication protocols

Data Visualization

  • Tableau
  • Grafana


  • 3D printing
  • Solidworks
  • Fusion 360
  • VIM
  • VSCode
  • Neural Networks