Category: Other
Creating Something For Me: Reclaiming Personal Value in the Digital Age
Creating Something For Me: Reclaiming Personal Value in the Digital Age Corporations are extracting everything valuable we produce—labor, creativity, homes, land, and even our biometric data. Every photo you put on Facebook and every tweet you tweet on Twitter X you X on X is fed into a machine to generate money for someone else.… Read more
A Painter in a Print Shop My Struggle with Databricks
A Painter in a Print Shop: My Struggle with Databricks This is a cry into the void. A single man against a freight train. As I have become fond of saying, “A painter in a print shop.” I don’t think I can stop Databricks. In a way, what they have done is brilliant and scratches… Read more
Getting Things Done (GTD) with Obsidian and Todoist
Getting Things Done (GTD) with Obsidian and Todoist Obsidian is a tool to take notes and organize information. Todoist is a tool to create tasks and organize them. Getting Things Done (GTD) is a method to, well, get things done. I’ll share some notes about these tools and methods soon. Getting Things Done Method This… Read more
Essential Guide to Trail Work on Iowa Mountain Bike Trails
Intro I do trail work on Iowa mountain bike trails. There are a few different types of trail work, that are appropriate for different times of the year. I’ll cover a few here and link to more in-depth articles if I’ve made them. Tool Selection The selection of tools applies regardless of what you are… Read more
Effective Strategies for Honeysuckle Removal in Iowa Forests
Honeysuckle Removal Honeysuckle is an invasive species in the state of Iowa. Removing all honeysuckle in a forest is simply not feasible. Instead, my goal has always been to remove them far enough from the trail so they will not become a problem soon. Honeysuckle has proven to be very difficult to remove, as simply… Read more
How to Set Up Obsidian: Plugins, Daily Notes, and Configuration
Obsidian Setup How Obsidian is set up. This should help me figure out how to configure things for the next time I need to create Obisidan. Plugins Important ones: Less Important: Vimrc Support Vimrc support is important for the VIM commands to work as I want. Need to create a file call .obsidian.vimrc should contain:… Read more