Fixing Fish Shell Bookmark Issue with Non-Existent Directories

This note is about how to fix an issue where a directory is removed, but Fish (specifically the Dangerous theme) still has it in the bookmarks. The error can look something like this:

cd: The directory “/home/tony/Downloads/drive-download-20230212T143225Z-001” does not exist
/usr/share/fish/functions/ (line 30): 
    builtin cd $argv
in function 'cd' with arguments '/home/tony/Downloads/drive-download-20230212T143225Z-001'
        called on line 743 of file ~/.config/fish/functions/
from sourcing file ~/.config/fish/functions/
        called on line 1 of file -
from sourcing file -
        called on line 17 of file ~/.config/fish/
from sourcing file ~/.config/fish/
        called during startup

In the above case, a directory was stored as the startup directory, but then the directory was removed. Sometimes, just running echo $bookmarks will show directories that no longer exist and need to be removed. This works for either situation.

I went through the source code and found where this was being set. If you know the name of the directory you want to remove, you can use this to get rid of it:

set -e bookmarks[(contains -i /home/usr/some_dir/ $bookmarks)]

If you are not sure what the directory is, you can use echo $bookmarks to show all of the bookmarks that are being tracked.

For the original issue, see this link.