Linux Fundamentals 3

Text Editors

VIM forever, moving on

Useful Utilities

Okay, this one is kind of interesting. Starting of with “wget” - download files from online

Moving on the SCP “Secure copy”. Example below

scp important.txt [email protected]:/home/ubuntu/transferred.txt

This might look complicated but it is just


In this case we have to specify the IP address for the destination as well. The above command assumes that you are logged into the source computer. If that is not the case and you need to get the file a remote computer to your local, just use the following

scp [email protected]:/home/ubuntu/document.txt notes.txt


Python 3 http server

Used to create a mini server that will server the files in the current directory so that “curl” and “wget” will be able to reach them. There is also a module called “Updog” but we’ll get to that later

python3 -m http.server          # Start server
wget # Download "file"

In the real world there are firewalls and what not, but this is a nice start



systemctl start apache2


  • start
  • stop
  • enable
  • disable

Cron Jobs

Used to schedule takss and jobs. “crontab” is started during boot and is responsible for managing cron jobs - jobs the repeat periodically. Crontabs is just a file that cron recognizes and will execute. Parts of a crontab are

MIN         Minute to execute
HOUR        Hour to execute
DOM         Day Of Month to execute
MON         MONth of year to execte
DOW         Day Of Week to execute
CMD         What command to execute

If you want to see what the cron scheduling will look like, checkout Crontab Generator or Cron Guru. Can edit crontab