
Awesome awesome tool, but only allowed to be used on one exploit on OSCP exam

First time running, may want to set up database

    msfdb init

Start up metasploit with msfconsole

Search with search. Find exploit you want to use and use use with the number or full path (number is way easier)

Can use connect to check that host is up. Not super useful as there is “netcat” that we could use instead

Can set variables for the module using set [option] [value] which tells the module what to use. Use show options to show all the values that can be set. Can also set global variables using setg [option] [value] which is useful when switching modules

Metasploit commands

After you are in the console, use these commands

    db_status       # database status
    help            # help commands
    ?               # help shortcut
    search          # find stuff
    use             # Actually use the module
    info            # Show info about module
    show options    # Shows options for module
    set [A] [B]     # Sets A to B. Use "show options" to see "A" options
    get [A]         # Shows value of "A". "Show options" shows all
    unset [A]       # Sets B to null
    spool           # Save output to file
    save            # Saves settings to file and can open later

Using the built in database

Can use the built in database to keep track of tests. Also have built in nmap that saves data to the database

    db_nmap -sV IPADDR

Once we do that, we can run a bunch of commands and see what comes back


Busting in

In this case we want to use icecast to bust the box. use icecast will load it. Or search for icecast and load from the number

Windows shell commands

    getuid      # More user info
    sysinfo     # More system info 
    getprivs    # user privlidges
    ipconfig    # Get ip config data

More metasploit commands

    upload      # Move files to target
    run         # run program
    load        # Load program to target
    shell       # get a windows shell to use

Useful commands

    # Check if virtual machine
    run post/windows/gather/checkvm

    # Check for exploits - can try them after found
    run post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester

    # Get a  remote desktop
    run post/windows/manage/enable_rdp