Linux Tutorial 1

Lots of basic stuff here.

Basic Commands:

echo        ## Will output file text
whoami      ## Will output username

File system

cd          ## Change directory
ls          ## list files in direcotry
cat         ## show contents of the file
pwd         ## Print Working Directory

For example, change to directory cd, then list files ls and show the contents of a file cat

Searching for files

Commands to search for files

find ## search for files
grep ## text search within files

Example - if we know that name of the file that we are looking for is passwords.txt

find -name passwords.txt

Example - name of file ends with “.txt”

find -name *.txt

Example - want to find a specific line in a file. Can’t use cat here. We are searchfor the IP add ress “”.

grep "" access.log

Example - find the prefix “THM” in access.log

grep "THM" access.log

Shell operators

”&” sign will run a command in the background so we can go on and do other things.

”&&” has literally nothing to do with ”&“. ”&&” allows us to make a list of commands to run. command1 && command2. However, the second command will only run if the first one was successful.

”>” is an output redirect. It will take the output of the command and send it somwhere else. An example would be taking the output of a command and saving it to a file for later

echo hey > welcome.txt # output "hey" to "welcome"

Note that Linux doesn’t really care about filenames. “welcome” is just as valid as “welcome.txt”

”>>” Like ”>” except that this will append to the file instead of overwriting the values.

echo hello > welcome # will add "hello" to "welcome" file