Obsidian Quartz Setup

Quartz is a tool that publishes obsidian notes to a static website. I use this to create my website. Here I will track some notes that I have about using quartz for later setup.

Important Bits


Use the tag title to tell quartz what the title of the website should be. Note Title (capital T) - that won’t work.

Website Navigation

There is supposed to a be a menu that helps you navigate the website by showing the file structure. However, this seems to have either stopped working or is having issues lately. In addition, it has never worked on mobile, so the only want to find webpages was by searching them.

In order to get around this issue, I have started to create home pages that are explicitly linked to the articles. This is significantly more difficult to maintain since the links are hard coded, but it makes the website significantly easier to use.

Utilizing Graph View

The graph view starts to become very important when linking pages together. It allows you to see which pages are linked and which ones are just “floating” and would be difficult to find.

It is still hard to see if pages are linked multiple times, but it’s a start at least. See image below for example